About the Journal

The European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics (ENHE) creates a dialogue between the history and the ethics of nursing while providing new impulses for advancing the subfields of the history as well as the ethics of nursing.


Call for Abstracts (Seventh Issue 2025)


The European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics is an interdisciplinary Open Access and peer-reviewed eJournal spanning the Humanities, Nursing Science, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies. The journal is published online once a year with each edition having an individual theme and an open section that contains articles on various topics. In addition, the sections “Forum” and “Lost and Found” offer the opportunity to publish shorter articles on current debates or to present remarkable objects, texts, pictures or movies with relevance to nursing history and ethics and to discuss their significance.

The Journal is seeking contributions to

  • the open section
  • the themed section
  • “Lost and Found”
  • “Forum”


Read more about Call for Abstracts (Seventh Issue 2025)

Current Issue

Vol. 5 (2023): Suicide as a Challenge in Psychiatric Nursing
Artwork by Marcia Blaessle (1956–1983), „Prinzhorn Collection Heidelberg” in Germany

The focus of the 2023 issue is on suicide as a challenge for psychiatric nursing. The idea for the theme is based on the international conference „Suicide and its Prevention: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives in Nursing, 1880–2020“, which took place from 19-21 May 2022 in Leiden, the Netherlands, and was conceived by Cecile aan de Stegge and Manon Parry and organized in cooperation with the „European Association for the History of Nursing". The articles focus on how suicide was addressed in the context of psychiatric institutions in the 19th and 20th centuries and the challenges faced by nursing staff in dealing with suicides.

Figure: Artwork by Marcia Blaessle (1956–1983), Copyright: „Prinzhorn Collection Heidelberg” in Germany

Published: 2024-03-28
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