
La revista no acepta envíos en este momento.

Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • All images in the article have been uploaded as jpg files with a resolution of at least 300dpi.
  • The author has provided his*her ORCID ID.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The author has requested publication permission for all images.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is arranged according to the guidelines for authors.

Directrices para autores/as

1 General Information

The European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics (ENHE) is an interdisciplinary Open Access eJournal spanning the Humanities, Nursing Science, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies. The journal creates a dialogue between the history and the ethics of nursing while providing new impulses for advancing the subfields of the history as well as the ethics of nursing.

Historians are asked to include the ethical dimension of the topic into their research project; it is desirable that researchers interested in ethics also reflect on the historical dimensions of their projects. This does not mean, however, that articles on ethics should be preceded by a historical overview in the style of a manual. Rather the latest developments and socio-political debates that have led to the current issues in the ethics of nursing should be put in their historical context and be used in the analysis. Likewise papers on the history of nursing should address ethical questions within the historical context or refer to current issues in the ethics of nursing. The linking of historical and ethical dimensions is desired in each article, but not a prerequisite for publication in ENHE. The journal publishes original research both on European History and the history of the reciprocal relationships and entanglements of European and non-European societies.

The journal appears once a year with each edition having a themed section and an open section that contains articles on various topics. In addition, the sections “Forum” and “Lost and Found” offer the opportunity to publish shorter articles on current debates or to present remarkable objects, texts, pictures or movies with relevance to nursing history and ethics and to discuss their significance.

The journal only publishes original contributions. The authors agree when submitting their script that their text has not already been submitted or published elsewhere.

2 General Requirements

The articles can initially be submitted in a language other than English if we have at least two qualified reviewers available. Please contact the editors before any non-English submission. After successful peer review and revision of the manuscript the article must be translated into English at the expense of the contributor. The article can be published in both languages.

The articles for the themed and open sections include up to 55.000 characters including spaces, footnotes, references and additional information. Articles for the section „Lost and Found“ have max. 30.000 characters, articles for the section “Forum” up to 15.000 characters.

Please avoid excessive formatting (i.e. Bold or italic fonts etc).

Please use the Times New Roman typeface 12 point for the main text and 10 point for footnotes. Please use a line spacing of 1.5 for the main text and single spacing for footnotes.

Please number the headings.

Please capitalise nouns, pronouns, verbes, adjectives and adverbs in title, headings and English publications.

For each article, we additionally require:

(1) an abstract (up to 1.200 characters) and

(2) up to six keywords

3 Forum

In the category forum we welcome debate articles on current issues (e.g. debates in the interpretation of history or on current ethical issues) relevant to the journal's readership. Forum contributions may respond to ongoing debates as well as stimulate new ones. Forum contributions can also be used to provide insight into the different cultures, history and ethics of nursing care in European countries. Such articles should provide readers from other countries with an insight into the specific historical and ethical discussions of nursing care as well as the related social and cultural conditions in their own country.

A forum article is treated like an academic article, but with a maximum of 15,000 characters it is significantly shorter than the usual standard ENHE article; it includes a short abstract, notes, a bibliography and will we peer reviewed

4 "Lost & Found"

The "Lost and Found" section serves to focus on objects, written sources or material remains (e.g. vaccination certificate) relevant to nursing history or nursing ethics that have received too little attention in the past. A "Lost and Found" article presents material artefacts, texts, pictorial objects, movies or other sources that are worth investigating and decoding academically.

In this section, special and meaningful “found sources”, which were previously lost, can be revealed to the specialist public; photographs of the objects or source must be integrated into the article. Such “found sources” do not speak for themselves, but must be made to speak using appropriate methods and contextualization. The work steps and methods of object analysis must be explained and reflected upon so the readers of the journal can learn from the approaches presented.

The authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for any illustrations used by obtaining written permission from the copyright holders for reproduction of the images in print and online versions. The number of illustrations in the article is limited to five.

A “Lost and Found” article is treated like an academic article, but with a maximum of 30,000 characters it is significantly shorter than the standard ENHE article; it includes an abstract, notes and a bibliography. Proposals for a “Lost and Found” article will first be reviewed by the ENHE editors and, in the case of a positive review, will go into our anonymous review process, which the article must pass before publication.

A “Lost and Found”-article should cover the following questions:

- Why is the “found source” of central importance? What constitutes its special value? Why has the source received too little attention in the past?

- What new findings does it contribute to the current state of research into the history or ethics of nursing care?

- What do we learn from the “found source” that has not yet been sufficiently developed from known (written) sources?

- What other objects or sources exist with which the “found source” could be contextualised?

- In the case of an object, the object analysis should be presented in detail and reflected upon critically.

5 Footnotes and Annotations

Number footnotes in order, corresponding to the numbers in the text.

If a full sentence is quoted, footnote numbers should follow the closing punctuation. If the footnote refers to the preceding word, it should directly follow it.

Annotations which give credit to literature or any other material used refer to the attached bibliography:

1 Brooks/Rafferty 2010, pp. 144–146.

Please do not use abbreviations such as “ibid” but rather repeat the previous reference.

6 Images/Figures/Tables

Images and tables should generally be integrated in the main text. Additionally, please provide a separate file with a reproducible version of tables and images.

If possible, please submit images in their original format (individual .jpg or .tiff file) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. For complex figures we require a resolution of 1200 dpi. Furthermore, we require the caption and source, if applicable. Please check in advance the copyright status. The authors are responsible for obtaining the copyright.

If images and tables have not been placed in the text yet, clearly mark the intended position and space in the text. Images can only be reproduced in black and white.

During the type setting processes images will not be edited, hence images and tables must be submitted in the correct layout and sufficient quality for reproduction.

The editors reserve the right not to use the submitted files depending on the quality for reproduction.

7 Bibliography

The bibliography should be appended to the end of the paper and structured as follows, depending on the materials used:

Archival Sources, stating the holdings used

Printed Sources

Oral Sources


Secondary Literature

Please refer only to the sources mentioned in the footnotes and annotations. Please include the full names of all authors or editors where known and list them in alphabetical order.

Publication that appeared in the same year must be organised alphabetically and marked with “a,” “b,” “c,” etc. respectively (Hallett/Fell 2013 a, p. 12).

Please use an en dash without a space to mark page ranges, e.g. pp. 113–128.

Please check internet links on their accuracy and functionality at the time of submission and, if applicable, before typesetting.

7.1 DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

If possible, please include for all publications listed in the references the respective DOI (if available). In CrossRef you can search your references automatically with the respective DOIs. Please click on the Simple Text Query Form under www.crossref.org or visit directly www.crossref.org/simpleTextQuery. In order to use the search function, you can register there under free account. Please copy your entire reference list of your article and paste it into the input field. Then please click on submit. You will receive your reference list with all DOI hits that CrossRef could find.

7.2 Single authored Books


Nelson, Sioban: Say Little, Do Much. Nursing, Nuns, and Hospitals in the Nineteenth Century. Philadelphia 2001.

7.3 Co-authored Books


Lynaugh, Joan E./Barbara L. Brush: American Nursing. From Hospitals to Health Systems. Malden, Mass./Oxford 1996.

7.4 Edited Books


Fealy, Gerard M. (ed.): Care to Remember. Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland. Douglas Village, Cork 2005.

7.5 Articles in edited Volumes


La Torre, Anna/Giancarlo Celeri Bellotti/Cecilia Sironi: A Sample of Italian Fascist Colonialism. Nursing and Medical Records in the Imperial War in Ethiopia (1935–36). In: Sweet, Helen/Sue Hawkins (ed.): Colonial Caring. A History of Colonial and Post-Colonial Nursing. Manchester 2015, pp. 169–187.

7.6 Journal/Magazine Articles


Markkola, Pirjo: Promoting Faith and Welfare. The Deaconess Movement in Finland and Sweden, 1850–1930. In: Scandinavian Journal of History 25 (2000), 1–2, pp. 101–118.

7.7 Series


Hähner-Rombach, Sylvelyn (ed.): Alltag in der Krankenpflege. Geschichte und Gegenwart/Everyday Nursing Life. Past and Present. (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 32). Stuttgart 2009.

7.8 Documents from Archives

Use the format:

Author: title, date resp. year, Archive, title of archival source, call number (according to the specifications of the archive)


Tennant, Mary Elisabeth: What Is Public Health Nursing?, 1935, Rockefeller Archive Center, RF, RG 1.1, Series 100 C, Box 38, Folder 342.

7.9 Online Publication


History of Nurse Anesthesia Practice, https://www.aana.com/ceandeducation/students/Docu-ments/history-nap-student.pdf, accessed April 22, 2020.

Declaración de privacidad

Privacy policy

Data protection at a glance

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